Brady Johnson


Brady Johnson

Design integrity underlines every creative decision that I make. I want to create solutions that are authentic to my ideals.

Quick Look

Project Designer

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Certificate in Textile Science, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Featured Projects
Capella Bangkok
Four Seasons Private Residences, Bangkok
New York Palace Hotel

Personal Haven
A cliff top resort in Bali

Engaging Graciously
Pro-bono design work for friends and family

Inspired Moment
Having a project featured on the cover of Architectural Digest

A creative thinker, Brady’s design philosophy is open and collaborative. This allows for continuous learning and his work to evolve. In an industry where product specifications and purchasing are increasingly digital, Brady personally inspects all the items and furnishings he selects for projects. Much of his work uses bold material expressions, ensuring design quality, integrity, and fabrication is crucial.

Brady’s design approach is driven by a strong concept that relates to a site’s context — where history, local art, and cultural identities merge to create a true reflection of the surrounding community. He believes this approach establishes a sense of place and ultimately sustains and enriches communities.

Growing up in a family of musicians and artists, Brady studied oboe performance through college. He credits his upbringing with influencing his ability to celebrate creative expression in all mediums. Music taught him the importance of practice, preparation, and thinking ahead — attributes that fuel his creativity as a designer.

Brady admires and finds inspiration in the work of influential designers of the past whose creations stimulated new ideas and practices. His work is also impacted by art in all media, which brings something unusual and memorable to a space.